Lolo y Sosaku

  • Painting with Machines, Exploring the Unpredictable, Kinetic Sculptures Transforming Movement into Art

    Painting with Machines, Exploring the Unpredictable

    Kinetic Sculptures Transforming Movement into Art

    The artistic duo Lolo & Sosaku bring painting to life with their machine-powered creations, blending mechanics and spontaneity in a unique interplay of control and chaos. Their machine paintings emerge from analogue robots crafted from wood, metal, and motors—sculptural beings that roam the canvas, leaving behind unpredictable, vibrant marks. Guided but not dominated by their creators, these machines reflect the natural rhythms of spinning, crawling, and colliding, capturing the essence of transformation and imperfection. For Lolo & Sosaku, art is a dialogue between human intention and the mechanical process, where each piece vibrates with energy and a raw, unfiltered vitality.